Hello dear readers! In this presentation, you will hear how the US population was influenced online during the time leading up to the 2016 election. Surprisingly open, Alexander Nix former CEO of British company Cambridge Analytica gave us an insight on what is possible in regards to - allegedly - manipulating hundreds of thousands of people by using personal data. After watching this, in conclusion we would like to say: 'Thank you for your input or maybe not?' And if you now think - well that was recorded in Germany in 2017, we can only reply by saying, we are sharing this with you better late than never because what else are we gonna do on a weekend in isolation?! Also, there is a documentary out on Netflix called The Great Hack . This should be interesting and we are about to watch it! Oh, what a fun Sunday it has been so far. PS. Feel free to form your own opinion on this matter. 🙂 The Great Hack documentary - available on Netflix now!
Wenn auch Du denkst dass der einzig richtige Weg, aus der sich immer weiter zuspitzenden Lage in der Ukraine, Gespräche und Verhandlungen statt immer weiterer Waffenlieferungen sind, kannst Du hier die Petition für den Frieden unterschreiben. Außerdem findet am 25sten Februar um 14 Uhr eine Kundgebung vor dem Brandenburger Tor in Berlin statt . Desto mehr Teilnehmer sich dort einfinden, desto mehr wird der Gesuch nach Verhandlungen die zu Frieden führen können, gehört. Solltest Du also gerade vor Ort sein und diese Einstellung teilen, kannst Du dich gern den anderen anschließen die ebenfalls durch Vernunft etwas bewirken wollen, als die Krise durch weitere Waffenlieferungen immer weiter anzuheizen. Hier kannst Du weitere Informationen finden.
Bernd Das Brot & Ivonne The Editor Once again we bring you unique content, because who else but us would write a feature article about a grumpy piece of bread that goes by the name of 'Bernd'. Only we do this internationally. :) The notoriously low spirited piece of dough, is famous in Germany for his TV Show ' Bernd Das Brot '. It is about him, being as grumpy as a loaf can get. photo: AP/ Thüringer Allgemeine To honor him, there is even a 2 meter tall statue of his likeness, located in the city center of Erfurt, Germany since 2007. In 2009 this statue made headlines when an anonymous group abducted Bernd from his regular spot. A few weeks after that, he was found by police in a basement nearby. Their statement was: 'It is definitely him, he is ok.' Fynn and Bernd das Brot Nobody ever really found out who brought the German cult figure into the basement and why. But he is good and back at his old spot and that is all that
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