>> The Art Of Play: An Evening Of Family Fun - A Treasure Hunt At The British Museum!
'So much treasure to hunt - so little time!' This is what the participants of the first THATMuse: Treasure Hunt at the British Museum on Friday, September 11th must have thought. In groups of 2-4, it was their task to find as many pieces
from a list of 'wanted treasures' as possible, within a given amount of time. They then had to take a photo of their teammates in front of it. The group with the most items captured, won the main prize, provided by the museum. The sold-out event titled: 'The Art of Play', was the UK premiere of a concept that we think is a clever idea, not only for families but also for friends who want to add some action to their museums visit!
It all started in April 2012, when native New Yorker Daisy de Plume thought of a way, to make a visit to the Louvre in her new hometown of choice Paris, even more interesting and engaging for the whole family. With an art background and a degree in art history, she invented THATLou: Treasure Hunt at The Louvre. THATd’Or at the Musée d’Orsay and THATRue on the streets of the Latin Quarter followed. Branching out to the UK next summer, expect more treasure hunts to take place in London in 2016. Each hunt is tailored around a theme, keeping all players focused and motivated. To find out the dates and get tickets for the next THAT event, go to: thatlou.com. We are definitely up for the challenge! :)
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